The team recently went to Quobba Station in early May to test out various goods to make sure our products still live up to it’s name. Although the fishing was only decent due to water temperatures, we managed to land quote a few mixed species.
The Pelagics rods still doing extremely well. We have landed some large Emperors, Perches and a Cod. Apart from the Cod, we deadlift the rest up onto the cliffs. Spinning with the Pelagics rod, I sat down and locked up the reel to 15kg’s and skull dragged a 10-13kg cobia in before it could be lost to reef or sharks.
The Fujin 21 rods performed extremely well. So well that we are going to increase our order numbers. These were pushed to it’s limits and held up. Deadlifting reef fish up to 5kg made it so much easier. We will be working on 12ft versions.
The cliff gaff worked wonders. The weight on them made it a breeze to use and even hooked up a nice cobia from ballooning first drop. Those who have used a cliff gaff before would know how difficult it is to get a cliff gaff over a cobia so we were happy with the results.
The 1m insulated airtight kill bag performed much better than expected. We left it with one of our sponsored anglers (Stoney) to give it a run for it’s money. It will be sitting outside of his vehicle getting pelted by rocks, dirt and the weather, not to mention whatever he throws inside.
The last insulated bag we sent him has lasted over a year in the same scenario. Hundreds of crayfish and various fish have been inside the Kayak bag and it is still going strong but it is time to test other products in it’s place. Those who know Stoney will understand why having a bag last him a year is a feat in it’s own.
We tested out a special light game rod. We have shown it to a few suppliers who are keen on stocking them when they become available. They will be made in 2 and maybe 3 variations. One for light game fishing, one for squidding and maybe one for baitcasting. They are 9ft two piece rods made by experts in the field of rod building.
Most importantly, we now have two more stores who stock our products. 2 Oceans Tackle in Busselton and Tackle HQ in Albany. We look forward to working with the team at these stores to form a long term relationship.
Quobba and Busselton